
TENGRI will break down all barriers that deny the public free access to corporate information, processes and domain.

Environment, Education and Ethics

TENGRI strives to coexist in harmony with the greater world and protect the environmental integrity of Mongolia. TENGRI abides the ancient belief of the Mongols that the Eternal Blue Sky is our father and Earth is our mother. Responsible practices are embedded in our philosophy and business operations. TENGRI cares and feels responsible for enhancing education and culture. At TENGRI, we are committed to practicing ethical business and humanitarian conduct.

Nationwide presence

TENGRI is present across the economic sectors of Mongolia and we are proud of such nationwide presence.


TENGRI is founded on strong principles of management accountability to its stakeholders. TENGRI believes that good and transparent governance will lead the organization to become the strategic force behind the sustainable growth and prosperity of Mongolia. Mongolia will be aligned with the developed world by bringing in positive changes for the Mongolian people.


TENGRI performs its duties by recognizing the importance of maintaining justice and accountability to its employees, customers, partners, society, the world and future generations.


The goal of TENGRI is to initiate, inspire and design a movement to transform the role of the corporations towards greater accountability and social responsibility and embed the principles of good corporate governance into our society.